For over 40 years, we at Kraft Pillow Service have been providing our customers and some of the finest hotels throughout the United States a better night sleep. Using our revolutionary pillow cleaning service, we can renovate your existing pillows or create brand new pillows that are customized to each individual. If you or someone in your family suffer from allergies, cleaning your pillow is a must!
Our fleet of mobile units travel thousands of miles each year, bringing our services "on-site" to hotels, inns, dry cleaners, and various organizations for fund-raising events.
Clients ship to us from all over the World for our expertise of over 40 years in the feather & down business. You too will love that we can give your favorite pillows, comforters & feather beds a whole NEW LIFE... JUST LIKE NEW. Call today for prices at (712) 378-2918 or email us at pillows@frontiernet.net.