We offer a unique and specialized service to the hospitality industry.
When you use Kraft, you will receive the following benefits:
Major cost savings
Increase of your bottom line
"Green" accolades
On-the-spot service
No interruption from day-to-day activity
Guest satisfaction
Less allergens
Excellent customer service
Most importantly, you will receive like-new pillows
at a fraction of the cost of replacement.
Like-New Pillows at a Fraction of the Cost of Replacement
Why Not Just Replace the Pillows? First of all, cost is a large factor when replacing pillows. Renovating the pillows you currently have will bring them back to like-new status, but at a substantially lower cost than replacing them.
Then there is the environmental concern. If your property throws old dirty pillows in the dumpster, just think of the space they will take up in a landfill! Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. You cannot truly consider yourself a "green" hotel if you don't renovate your pillow rather than throw them away.
We Come To You
We have a fleet of mobile units, so we come to your facility to renovate all of your pillows. Being self-sufficient there is minimal distraction to your establishment, and your rooms are never without pillows overnight!
The Process
We do not wash the pillows with any water, heat, or steam. Kraft Pillow Service actually restores and revitalizes feather and down pillows, using specialized equipment.
First, the cover of the old pillow (also known as pillow ticking) is cut open and the contents are emptied into a chamber. Inside this chamber is where the sterilization process takes place. The feathers and down are exposed to an ozone-emittng, ultraviolet light, which kills any allergy causing bacteria, sterilizes and deodorizes the filling. Dust which results from the decomposition of feathers is also sifted out at this time.
Once the cycle is completed, a timer will engage the blower, and all of the sanitized contents are blown into a new cover (ticking). Basically, this machine takes an old pillow and makes it new again at a fraction of the cost of a new pillow.
Why Not Launder Pillows?
There are a few major considerations when laundering pillows. First of all, if they are feather and down pillows, then they should never be laundered conventionally.
There are a few reasons for this. Have you ever had a feather and down pillow burst in your washer or dryer? It only takes one instance for this to happen to know why you should not do this… what a mess!
Also, the fabric which contains the feathers is treated with a sizing or backfill which makes it feather and down proof. Once the pillows are washed using detergents, this is no longer the case, and you will soon see feathers and down coming through the fabric.
Detergents also shorten the life of the pillow in another way. It is noteworthy to distinguish between feathers and down. Down is a cluster that has no quill, and comes from the neck and under the wings of geese. It is very light and fluffy. Feathers, on the other hand, have a quill, and the quill contains natural oils. Once feather pillows are washed with detergents, this quill is stripped of its natural oils, and what is left behind is dust. This causes the pillow to flatten out and also contributes to allergens.
The only logical solution is to have your pillows renovated. You will keep your pillows around much longer, and more importantly, you will keep your guests happy.
Our Equipment
All of our equipment is self-contained in our mobile unit, and is specialized to renovate your pillows. Each pillow is handled one at a time, assuring quality and continuity in the finished product.
Upon renovation, we use a machine which can take a flat, dirty pillow and transform it into a like-new pillow that your hotel will be proud to offer your guests. Even a high quality pillow flattens over time, but after we refurbish it with this energy and waste efficient technology, the old pillows look, feel and smell like new again! Your company will enjoy tremendous savings with this process by never having to discard your current pillows to buy new.
During this process each pillow is cut open and the contents are cleaned, sanitized, deodorized and put into new ticking (the material that encloses the feathers). At this time, we also offer new feathers/down to be added, upon your request.
The work is done entirely in our mobile unit, so there is minimum distraction in your establishment. The pillows are delivered to us by your staff in your laundry carts. When one cart is completed, we send it back out and those pillows are ready to be placed back in the rooms. Many times we work in the loading dock area, but are willing to accommodate your staff if a different location is more convenient.
Call today for prices at 712-378-2918 or email us at pillows@frontiernet.net..