Pillow Renovation
At Kraft Pillow Service, we can put new life into your old pillows with our renovation process. Over time, pillows tend to become flat, or lose their loft, regardless of the filling. They disintegrate, leaving dust. Most people who have allergies tend to think it is the feathers or down, but actually it is the dust. We will remove your feathers or down from its old ticking (the outside material), then clean, sanitize and deodorize your feathers or down, and put them into NEW TICKING. Every pillow is cleaned individually, so you are assured to get your same contents back. Please call for pricing. Additional down or feathers can be added upon your request.
Comforter Renovation
Our comforter renovation process is similar to that of the pillows. We'll remove your feathers or down from the old ticking, clean them, and then put them into a new ticking. Your product will be cleaned individually from anybody else's so your assured to get the same product back that you brought in. Please contact us for comforter renovation cost.
Feather Beds
We also renovate feather beds in the same manner as pillows and comforters. Please contact us for feather bed renovation cost.
Clients ship to us from all over the World for our expertise of over 40 years in the feather & down business. You too will love that we can give your favorite pillows, comforters & feather beds a whole NEW LIFE... JUST LIKE NEW. Call today for prices at (712) 378-2918 or email us at pillows@frontiernet.net.